Thursday, November 10, 2011

Harper's Birth Story

It occurred to me I never shared how Harper graced us with her presence. The week before labor day weekend I had been having some high blood pressure numbers and what I considered pretty bad swelling in my ankles. I had kind of a bad feeling about what the doctor would say about me teaching (I was only two weeks into my new school year) I put off calling the doctor until Thursday afternoon. She wanted to see me. Friday afternoon I took a half day and went to see my doctor. The nurse came in, blood pressure was high, very high - she had me lay down for 15 minutes in the dark - the doctor came in, blood pressure was even higher. She told me that was it - no more work for me. Some people may love the idea of bed rest - not me. I wanted to use all my maternity leave for AFTER Harper was born - not before. You see, I was still 4 weeks from my due date and the idea of laying around my house big and pregnant for 4 weeks wasn't real appealing to me. So I followed the doctor's orders and went straight home (NOT). I went to school - I had to get things in order before I left for good. Lucky for me, I'm a planner and I had pretty much prepared almost everything my sub needed already.

I laid around the house all weekend - taking my blood pressure twice a day just like the doctor ordered. Sunday evening I started having elevated numbers. I called the doctor and she told me I better go in to the hospital to make sure the baby was ok. This was 11 o'clock. Got to the hospital and after about an hour and a half my blood pressure went down and they told me we could go home. We got home to a confused Samson around 1:30.

We were pretty tired.

Then at 5:50 I wake up. To my water breaking - although at the time I wasn't sure that was what it was. So I called the doctor again - back to the hospital. So at 6:30 that morning the nurse told me I was going to have a baby today, on Labor Day. Crazy I know. In LABOR on Labor Day. You have no idea how many times I heard that that day.

Harper graced us with her presence at 9:14 that evening, after a long day for Mom and Dad. She was amazing from the moment we saw her. Will was so proud of his little girl - they even stamped her foot print on his hand.

I'll never forget that day and I can't wait to share it with her one day. I love our little girl.

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